A clear light bulb in the center of a chalkboard, surrounded by lines that lead to six empty circles

I’ve spent nearly a decade and a half as a teacher of writing and literature. During that time, I’ve developed a lot of course materials and resources to use in my own classroom: assignments, modules, lectures, presentations, and online tools, to name a few.

If academics are supposed to be in the business of creating and sharing knowledge, though, it seems to me that I should be sharing these materials with others. That’s why, over the coming months, I’ll be adapting and releasing much of my course material library here under a Creative Commons license. 

Learning Technology

Icons for Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides

Using Google Docs/Sheets/Slides

[Dummy Content] This is a brief lesson on how to use the powerful tools in Google's office suite to get ahead in the composition classroom. Includes links to Google Docs templates for proper MLA and APA format papers

Icons for Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides

Using Google Docs/Sheets/Slides

[Dummy Content] This is a brief lesson on how to use the powerful tools in Google's office suite to get ahead in the composition classroom. Includes links to Google Docs templates for proper MLA and APA format papers

Icons for Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides

Using Google Docs/Sheets/Slides

[Dummy Content] This is a brief lesson on how to use the powerful tools in Google's office suite to get ahead in the composition classroom. Includes links to Google Docs templates for proper MLA and APA format papers